Turning waste into circular solutions for the Baltic Sea: lessons learnt and ways forward
A presentation on the achievements of the BONUS RETURN project – Turning waste into circular solutions for the Baltic Sea: lesson learnt and ways forward.
BONUS RETURN has been exploring how ecotechnologies can turn nutrients and carbon from being environmental problems into benefits has been exploring how ecotechnologies can turn nutrients and carbon from being environmental problems into benefits. Welcome to the final workshop where we will present project results, conclusions and recommendations.
Mission Blue Baltic – Healthy Oceans, Coasts and Inland Water
The workshop aims to produce tangible cross-sectoral prototypes that can be further developed as impact projects within the broader umbrella of “Missions” for oceans…
Network meeting on phosphorus and other wastewater resources by Svenskt Vatten
The event brings together participants contributing to circular use of resources from urban waste water
Navigating the policy environment for ecotechnologies in the Baltic Sea Region
This workshop will explore opportunities and barriers present in the current policy environment in relation to implementation of different ecotechnologies as well as possible policy changes and their impact on implementation of different ecotechnologies.
The Swedish sludge inquiry – what now for the region?
This discussion will focus on outcomes of the inquiry by the Swedish government into a possible ban of sewage sludge spreading on farmland…
Hydrology of the Baltic Sea Basin: Observations, Modelling, Forecasting
This interactive serious game system workshop will explore how different constellations of ecotechnologies perform in relation to disaster risks and threats facing the Baltic Sea region.
Serious Game System workshop
This interactive serious game system workshop will explore how different constellations of ecotechnologies perform in relation to disaster risks and threats facing the Baltic Sea region.
Closing the loop on nutrient losses
The presentation will address linkages between nutrient management and the Circular Economy, give examples of synergies in innovative nutrient management practices and provide recommendations for strengthening synergies between innovative nutrient management and the Circular Economy.