The Shortlist of ecotechnologies represents the results of the initial mapping step of the two systematic maps whereby 40% of the agricultural evidence and 60% of the wastewater evidence was screened for relevance and coded. The final results are available on the following pages: evidence base for ecotechnologies in wastewater treatment and evidence base for ecotechnologies in agriculture.
This list of ecotechnologies is not a comprehensive list from the evidence base, but the evidence was sorted randomly, such that the 40 and 60 percent is a representative sample of the evidence base as a whole. This methodology enabled us to assess ecotechnologies whilst coding and mapping of evidence was ongoing.
The report lists the ecotechnologies emerging from an assessment of evidence related to reuse of carbon and nutrients in the Baltic Sea region from agricultural and municipal wastewater sectors. The results of the coding are available here: List of agriculture ecotechnologies and List of municipal wastewater eco-technologies.
Download the project report below: