Authors: Neil Powell, Thao Do, Steven Bachelder, Sirkka Tattari, Jari Koskiaho, Turo Hjerppe, Sari Väisänen, Marek Giełczewski, Mikołaj Piniewski & Marta Księżniak.
Science-informed, reductionist policy has systematically failed to address wicked situations. Such situations are highly interconnected and unpredictable. As a consequence, the implementation of so-called desirable interventions can lead to the export of vulnerabilities within and across different societal domains, sectors, intersections and scales. Systemic practice is an emerging field, and highlights the need to enrich scientific inquiry and policy actions through action learning with an “extended peer community” as a means to navigate wicked situations. In this paper, we report on the potential of game co-design as a systemic practice to improve the situation of Baltic Sea nutrient enrichment. Findings from water catchments in Finland, Sweden and Poland suggest that the co-design of serious games can both enhance the comprehension of wicked situations, and foster self-organized concerted action without imposing a convergence of perspectives amongst diverse stakeholders.