Ecotechnologies for the recovery and reuse of carbon and nutrients from wastewater and agriculture: findings from two systematic maps

Baltic Sea Science Congress

Ecotechnologies for the recovery and reuse of carbon and nutrients from wastewater and agriculture: findings from two systematic maps

  • Date & Time:
    • August 22, 2019
    • 17:00 to 19:00
  • Venue:
    • Aula Magna floor 5, Stockholm University

BONUS RETURN will participate at the 12th Baltic Sea Science Congress. The event gathers the marine research community for discussions on the last 10 years of Baltic Sea research and how it has adopted new interdisciplinary approaches and scientific disciplines. Policy aspects of the latest research will also be discussed.

POSTER SESSION 4: Monitoring, Observations and Assessment systems

Ecotechnologies for the recovery and reuse of carbon and nutrients from wastewater and agriculture: findings from two systematic maps

Presented by Biljana Macura, SEI – Stockholm Environment Institute


Pollution of the Baltic Sea continues to be a problem. Major terrestrial sources of nutrient emissions to the Baltic Sea are agriculture and wastewater, both major causes of eutrophication. This session will present preliminary findings from two recent systematic maps collating evidence on ecotechnologies for recovery or reuse of carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen from wastewater and agriculture.

For the full programme, visit the Baltic Sea Science Congress website.

Biljana Macura SEI


Biljana Macura

Research Fellow

Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)


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2019-8-22 17:00 2019-8-22 19:00 Europe/Amsterdam Ecotechnologies for the recovery and reuse of carbon and nutrients from wastewater and agriculture: findings from two systematic maps This session will present preliminary findings from two recent systematic maps collating evidence on ecotechnologies for recovery or reuse of carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen from wastewater and agriculture. Aula Magna floor 5, Stockholm University
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