Drivers and Barriers for Phosphorus Reuse in the Baltic Sea Region

Baltic Sea Science Congress

Drivers and Barriers for Phosphorus Reuse in the Baltic Sea Region

  • Date & Time:
    • August 23, 2019
    • 11:00 to 13:00
  • Venue:
    • Aula Magna right hall, Stockholm University

BONUS RETURN will participate at the 12th Baltic Sea Science Congress. The event gathers the marine research community for discussions on the last 10 years of Baltic Sea research and how it has adopted new interdisciplinary approaches and scientific disciplines. Policy aspects of the latest research will also be discussed.

Drivers and Barriers for Phosphorus Reuse in the Baltic Sea Region

Presented by Karina Barquet, SEI – Stockholm Environment Institute

Session 5: Policy and Management/Assessment Strategies


This session will be based on the study Barriers and Opportunities for a Circular Economy of Phosphorus in the Baltic Sea Region. It will highlight market and governance barriers and opportunities affecting the development, choice and implementation of innovations for phosphorus reuse, including technologies and practices in agriculture and wastewater treatment sectors. 

The study raises concerns on the focus upon one single type of technology, which risks crowding out other promising options and may lead to a lock-in into a sub-optimal system. The study suggests there is a need to mainstream circular economy across society and governance structures; to simplify the legal framework for reused Phosphorus products in the EU; to enforce sustainable solutions that ensure circularity in public procurement; support testbeds for circular solutions in municipalities; promote new business models with increased collaboration between waste water treatment plants (a source of Phosphorus), fertilizer companies (a potential client for reused Phosphorus), and farmers (potential end-users of recycled Phosphorus).

For the full programme, visit the Baltic Sea Science Congress website.

Karina Barquet SEI


Karina Barquet

Research Fellow

Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)


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2019-8-23 11:00 2019-8-23 13:00 Europe/Amsterdam Drivers and Barriers for Phosphorus Reuse in the Baltic Sea Region This session will highlight market and governance barriers and opportunities affecting the development, choice and implementation of innovations for phosphorus reuse, including technologies and practices in agriculture and wastewater treatment sectors.  Aula Magna right hall, Stockholm University
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